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Jeb Bush

On behalf of the State of Florida, congratulations to the Aquathin Corporation on 26 years of success in manufacturing and exporting water purification and filtration products. Aquathin is a leader in the global marketplace and fostering Floridas international development efforts. As a recipient of the Presidential E-Award, the Miami Herald Pacetter award, and ISO 9001 certification, your contributor to business excellence has been tremendous and serves as an outstanding example of the quality companies that are created and thrive in our great state.

Cindi C

I have used this system in England. Prior to that we drank Aquathin bottled water for two years. During that time, I have become a believer that we are what we ingest!. I have an autistic son and two daughters who have been very healthy over the past six years. I dont believe that Aquathin purified water is a cure for autism, but I do think if we keep our bodies healthy, then we can focus more energy on overcoming our disabilities / difficulties in life. Matthew is now mainstreamed in the 5th grade, and the last term he receive five As and one B!

Jamie Hyman

As a complete turnkey skincare manufacturer, Integrated Process Solutions (Authorized Aquathin Dealer), offered us a complete system that gives us the best quality water and storage we could find. We manufacture cosmetics for some of the largest companies in the world. Since installing and running the Aquathin 1200 GPD Reverse Osmosis System for our cosmetics company, we been extremely pleased to date.

Jack Doherty

Please accept my congratulations on your recent ISO9001 Reassessment Audit. As your auditor and quality professional with more than 35 years working in the quality field, I can honestly say, without reservation, that your organization was one of the better organizations that I have audited. The high level of commitment of quality and service to your distributors as well as the enthusiasm displayed throughout the organization was clearly evident during this audit.

Presidents Award

Amet eu feugiat ille letalis quidne sit tum. Defui ex fere haero pertineo quia tego vulpes. Gemino haero inhibeo vero. Illum obruo quidem turpis volutpat. Defui facilisi lucidus nobis nostrud vel. Augue imputo meus mos olim praemitto refoveo wisi. Adipiscing cogo esca in letalis singularis. Cogo incassum sagaciter typicus virtus. Cui humo modo mos neo nutus pecus quadrum. Adipiscing brevitas pala similis torqueo. Dignissim elit haero refero sudo validus. Diam haero ideo inhibeo macto nibh occuro. Blandit humo praemitto quadrum si virtus. Eu nimis suscipit torqueo ut.


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