Water Purity

Most people will not consume drinking water that outwardly looks, smells, or tastes bad. We know instinctively that contaminated water can make us sick.

However, modern water treatment is designed to identify and remove only a limited number of contaminants. Evidence continues to prove that we are getting more than we bargained for in the water we drink, cook, and wash with. Over the last decade, a growing number look to go beyond “legally safe” municipal water standards to protect themselves, their families, and pets.

Legally safe water does not mean pure. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets maximum allowable levels for only 91 out of thousands of contaminants in the Safe Drinking Water Act. At the same time, consumers are subjected to constant media reports about the latest harmful chemical toxins, drugs, and carcinogens being found regularly through tests of our legally safe municipal water.

In response, many consumers turn to bottled water or inexpensive filtration units such as water pitchers and units that clip to water faucets. While these are a step in the right direction, they are not capable of eliminating many of the chemicals and water-borne diseases in question.