Kitchen Top Series - Water Purification System

Aquathin is proud to present the Aquathin Kitchentop (KT-90) Water Purification System. The most beneficial kitchen appliance your family will use.
The graceful contours and gemlike facets of the cabinet enhance any kitchen.
As a new owner of an Aquathin KT-90 RO/DI water purification system there is a totally new experience awaiting you.
You and your family will be amazed at the delightful new taste of your tap water. It's like owning your own personal mountain spring.
Please click the Product Catalog button below for more information on the Aquathin KT-90 System.
Our policy and contractual agreement with our ever growing Dealer Family Network is that Aquathin will only provide the very best quality equipment to meet your needs, through educated and highly trained Authorized Aquathin Water Treatment Professionals [ that is why we make the very best Dealers in the world through our thorough training courses at Aquathin University ]. That means you will never find Aquathin systems on shelves of warehouse retailers where aisle clerks haven't got a clue for when, how and under what conditions to properly prescribe a system ! We would love to provide you the name of the nearest Authorized Aquathin Dealer. If we do not have a Dealer in the immediate area, Aquathin will be pleased to provide you Factory Direct Sales and Service. At the moment we do establish a Dealer in your area, your information will be transferred to the Dealer. Thank you for choosing Aquathin to provide your family or business, the very best in home water security.