Hidro Filtracion Testimonials

FOREVER is how long I have reminded new and present Aquathin Dealers to collect testimonials.  Warren Buffet says, "Collect Letters of Delight from your Customers…not letters of satisfaction.  Delight your Customers!"

Certainly Aquathin Customers love their Aquathin…and they love the excellent service provided by YOU !!!  Aquathin Customers Are Advocates !!!

But there is also a hidden power of testimonials which I most recently discussed with Carlos Carballo, my longtime friend and President of Hidrofiltracion / Aquathin Costa Rica.  In similar conversations from a few Aquathin Dealers, Carlos claimed testimonials are not customary in his market.  I said to Carlos, "there indeed is a hidden power to testimonials in every market.  Besides taking 15 minutes of fame and turning it into 15 years of brilliance, in the event a purchasing agent from the hospitals you service were to leave and his replacement decided to give business to his cousin, you have the strongest evidence in the testimonial to prevent such an event as you advise his superiors what the previous purchasing agent wrote."

Carlos agreed because in Costa Rica like many markets, there is a high degree of commoditization in the water treatment marketplace. It is increasingly difficult and confusing for buyers to separate suppliers from each other based on features and performance…after all, ordinary RO / Filters  are pretty much like the next.  Pricing has also converged to a large extent, with many suppliers offering very similar ordinary products at comparable and chronically lowering prices (I call the 'Race To Zero')…the commoditization of  equipment where it's difficult for suppliers to differentiate themselves from other suppliers, using price as their only tool.  AQUATHIN DOES NOT PLAY IN THAT ARENA…ALL OUR SUPERIOR PROPRIETARY DESIGNS,  ACCOMPLISHMENTS, ACHIEVEMENTS, HONOURS, AWARDS, CERTIFICATIONS…aaaaaaaAAND YOUR EXCELLENT SERVICE aaaaaaaAAND TESTIMONIALS ARE PROOF !

Well, that certainly registered with my friend.  So enjoy the recent SIX LETTERS OF DELIGHT from these most impressive hospitals and companies.  Capris Medica lists 53 hospitals that have multiple Aqualite-TXF > LDI ( 175 units ) in each servicing blood analyzing machines that require UPW (Ultra-Pure Water).  Roche Laboraties citing 24 Aqualite-TXF > LDI.  And the others all proudly stating how much and how long ( 10 - 16 years ) they have enjoyed the excellent service and reliability provided by Carlos and his Fine Team at Hidrofiltracion / Aquathin Costa Rica.