EPA requests comment for coliform standard revision
"Aquathin OP-ED Commentary"
Note in the quick read article below that the EPA is required to do periodic review of standards. However, an EPA official remarks that they are conducting the first thorough review in history.
Lastly, there are over 700 contaminates found in drinking water around the world. EPA is reviewing a standard containing 69. Need another reason to say "I love my Aquathin !!!!!!!"
EPA requests comment for coliform standard revision
WASHINGTON — The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has completed a detailed review of 69 existing drinking water standards, and is requesting comment on its preliminary decision to revise the standard for total coliforms. The current standard is at one colony/100 mL, and the agency said its revisions to the standard will be designed to better indicate potential risks to public health. The agency examined standards for 68 other chemical contaminants and determined they should not be revised now, but health assessments are currently underway for 36 of these contaminants.
The results of those studies will be considered as soon as they become available, according to the EPA, which said it would decide whether revisions for these standards are warranted.
Under the Safe Drinking Water Act, the EPA must periodically review existing standards and revise them if good science indicates there is a threat to public health. The current review addresses standards developed prior to 1997. "We've conducted a thorough review of these existing drinking water standards for the first time in the agency's history. We welcome public comment on our analyses and will carefully consider those comments," said Cynthia Dougherty, director of the EPA's Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water.
The public has the opportunity to comment on these preliminary decisions for 60 days beginning 19 April. The agency said it will also hold a public meeting and consult with the EPA's Science Advisory Board.
The results of the review were published in the Federal Register on 17 April. The list of standards is available in a fact sheet with additional information at the EPA's website.
Think Aquathin...AquathinK!!
Edited from Tech Bank 4/22/02